Personalized assessment that helps busy women prepare for a healthy pregnancy by uncovering and addressing potential fertility roadblocks.


Uncover Your Fertility Roadblocks in Just 7 Days

Even if you’ve tried everything and still have concerns about your fertility, this audit provides clear, actionable steps tailored to your needs.


Are you ready to plan for pregnancy and want to ensure your health is optimized?


You’re a busy, health-conscious woman who is proactive about her well-being and understands the importance of a functional, holistic approach to hormones and wellness.

And you absolutely can uncover and address any fertility issues before they become obstacles to your pregnancy.


There’s just one small… problem:

You’re still not sure if your body is fully ready for pregnancy.

  • You’ve tried different diets and lifestyle changes but still worry about potential fertility issues.
  • You’ve read countless articles and tried various supplements with no clear direction.
  • You’re feeling overwhelmed with conflicting advice and need a clear, personalized plan.
  • You’re balancing a demanding career with the desire to start a family, and it's taking a toll on your health and stress levels.
  • You’ve experienced burnout and wonder if it’s affecting your fertility.
  • You’re committed to optimizing your health but feel unsure about the most effective steps to take.

Figuring out how to optimize your fertility can feel totally overwhelming, I know. Especially when you might have already tried it all.

I’ve been there myself and I get it. As a fertility expert and functional wellness consultant, I’ve helped numerous clients uncover hidden fertility issues and create successful pregnancy plans.


And I’m here to help you, too.

I’m Sara

I help driven, busy women optimize their hormones, overcome burnout, and prepare for a thriving pregnancy with personalized, evidence-based functional wellness strategies.

Like you, I’ve faced challenges in my fertility journey and uncovered health roadblocks that, when corrected, allowed me to get and stay pregnant. Since then, I’ve gone on to help other women achieve their dream of a healthy pregnancy with my signature process inside the Arise Fertility Blueprint. And that starts inside the Fertility Audit.

I am confident I can help you prepare for a healthy pregnancy, too.

Because here’s what happens when you know how to optimize your fertility:

  • You’ll finally feel confident and prepared to start your pregnancy journey.
  • You’ll have a clear, actionable plan to address any fertility concerns.
  • You’ll feel empowered, knowing you’ve taken proactive steps for your health.


All of this is more than possible for you!

Here’s how…

Presenting The Fertility Audit

A comprehensive, personalized assessment that makes it possible for busy, driven women to uncover and address potential fertility roadblocks in just 7 days.


Here’s how the Fertility Audit will help you prepare for a healthy pregnancy:

Comprehensive Fertility History Review
Understand your fertility background and identify potential issues.

Personalized Action Plan
Receive a detailed, step-by-step plan tailored to your unique needs. This includes:

  • Diet Recommendations: Personalized dietary advice to support hormonal balance and overall fertility health. 
  • Lifestyle Changes: Practical, sustainable changes to enhance your well-being and fertility. This covers stress management techniques, exercise routines, sleep hygiene, and work-life balance adjustments.
  • Suggested Testing: Recommendations that can provide deeper insights into your hormonal levels, nutritional deficiencies, and other critical factors affecting your fertility. This may include hormonal panels, thyroid function tests, and nutrient deficiency screenings, and more.

Loom Video Explanation
Get a personalized video explaining your results and next steps, making it easy to understand and act on.





What is this?

The Fertility Audit is a personalized assessment designed to help you uncover and address potential fertility roadblocks.


How much does it cost?

The audit is available for a one-time payment of $88.


How long does it take to complete the Fertility Audit?

Once you submit your fertility audit questionnaire, you will receive your video response within 7 days. 


Do you offer refunds?

Due to the personalized nature of the audit, refunds are not available.


How can I be sure I’m ready for this?

If you’re ready to start planning for pregnancy and want to ensure your health is in order, this audit is for you.


Can I still do the Fertility Audit if I’m working with another healthcare provider? 

Yes, the Fertility Audit can complement the care you are receiving from your healthcare provider. It's always a good idea to share your results with them to ensure a coordinated approach to your health.


What if I’m not ready to commit to a full fertility program?

The Fertility Audit is a standalone service designed to give you a clear picture of your current health and fertility status. If you decide you need more comprehensive support, we can discuss transitioning you into the full Arise Fertility program.

Even if you walk away with only a clear understanding of your fertility status—Fertility Audit would be worth it. 


But you are going to get so much more than that!


  • Uncover potential fertility issues.
  • Receive personalized diet and lifestyle recommendations.
  • Get a clear, actionable plan for your next steps.

You're just one step away from preparing for a healthy pregnancy!


For the busy, driven woman seeking a thriving pregnancy, my program delivers unparalleled, personalized wellness strategies, combining evidence-based practices with a deep understanding of your hormonal and lifestyle needs, empowering you to overcome burnout and step confidently into motherhood.